EDLD 5316 Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship? What is Digital Ethics? Most people confuse those two terms. When people are talking about Digital Citizenship what they actually talking about is Digital Ethics. Ethics are an element of citizenship, and Digital Citizenship is much broader topic than that. Being a good citizen requires more than not doing bad things, it also includes how to make a positive contribution to the community to which you belong (Kuropatwa, 2015). Digital Citizenship is defined by Ribble (2015) as “the norms of appropriate responsible behavior with regard to technology use” (p. 15). The inappropriate use of these digital resources can lead to unpleasant and unexpected consequences.


Kuropatwa, D. (2015, Jul 16) Digital ethics and Digital Citizenship #BLC15. The Brainwaves Video Anthology. Video file). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbMsbxYvr4E

Ribble, M. (2015). Digital citizenship in schools (3rd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society of Technology in Education. ISBN: 978-1-56484-364-7